These NPCs vary in attack strength, health, and damage. Some of these NPCs are military, and others are civilians. If you want to learn more about the stories a faction has to tell, each faction has several lore texts, which may contain information regarding their history, units, weapons, and more.Īll factions have their own NPCs. One of the main benefits of gaining faction alignment is the ability to trade with various trading NPCs and to hire troops, described below. Gain alignment with factions by killing their enemies or completing favours, but be careful killing a faction's units will make them angry with you, causing them to attack on sight, and maybe even launch a full-scale invasion in time. Positive alignments give you various bonuses, such as the ability to craft faction-exclusive equipment and armour, with better-than-average stats. Each faction has an alignment meter, which indicates your standing with that faction.
The mod adds 24 different factions that you can ally with or slaughter.

įorodwaith ( Coastline, Mountains, Glacier).Rhúdel ( Eryn Garan, Eryn Rhúnaer, Hills, Steppe, Tol Rhúnaer) įar Harad Jungle ( Edge, Lake, Mountains, Taurethrim Clearing).Rohan ( Woodlands, The Wold, Uruk Highlands) Gondor ( Andrast, Blackroot Vale, Lamedon ( Hills), Lebennin ( Mouths of Anduin), Lossarnach ( Imloth Melui), Mouths of Entwash, Pelargir, Pelennor Fields, Pinnath Gelin, White Mountains ( Foothills)) Įriador ( Downs, Eryn Vorn, Minhiriath, Swanfleet).The Shire ( Marshes, Moors, Woodlands, White Downs) Southron Coasts ( Harad Desert Riverbank, Near Harad Oasis, Southron Forests) Rhúdel ( Eryn Garan, Eryn Rhúnaer, Hills, Steppe Morgul Vale, Nan Ungol, Nurn ( Marshes, Sea of Nurnen), Udûn) Mordor ( Eastern Desolation, Gorgoroth, Mordor Mountains, Morgulduin, Lindon ( Coastline, Woodlands, Tower Hills) įar Harad Grasslands ( Arid, Arid Hills, Corsair Coasts, Forest).Biomes of the Lord of the Rings Mod (Sub-biomes in brackets)Īnduin Hills ( Gladden Fields, Vales of Anduin) And, if you find climbing over every mountain and hill to be too much work, especially when you consider that Middle-Earth is nearly 200,000 km 2 in size (about the size of Great Britain in real life), have no fear the mod adds roads, which smooth out the terrain around them, allowing you to go over even the tallest mountains with ease.Ī Rohan Fortress-Village. Beautiful mountain terrain generation will bring you back to the highlands of Middle-earth time and time again. In between these extremes, you will find virtually every single area mentioned by Tolkien, ranging from Lindon to the Iron Hills to Gondor to Mordor, complete with region-appropriate NPC spawns, vegetation and generated structures, ranging from small ruins of the former kingdom of Arnor to fortresses in Rohan to large settlements in Near Harad. From the frozen lands of the North, to the scorching deserts of Near Harad, to the steamy jungles of Far Harad, you can visit practically the entire continent of Middle-earth. The mod adds 159 regions in its own right, with each region having many variations on the basic region theme.